Sunday, April 23, 2017

Setting the record straight

When I wrote the first two posts, I didn't edit, revise or proofread them; I wanted it to be raw and true, straight from the heart. I hope I succeeded. Anyone who knows me might guess that when I write, I like to have things just so. I research and rewrite and polish until the work is ready to be read. So you can imagine that leaving in the typos was hard for me. That said, I feel I need to clarify a couple of things now after the fact.

First, I may have oversimplified what led to her death. Yes her glucose spiked dangerously high. She had an infection, she was on medications that worked against her diabetes, both her regular meds and the ones she was on because of the infection. Yes she had a cream-filled donut for breakfast. And no I didn't make her take her fast-acting insulin before we left for the emergency room. (It's possible that she did while we were getting ready to go, but I didn't see her do it if she did.)

Besides her blood sugar being high, I was told that Toni's blood acids were high, as was her potassium level. This all sounds like Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), which occurs when there isn't enough insulin to handle the body's chemical balance.  Your body cannot break down food for fuel and builds up bad levels of things that can hurt you and ultimately kill you. Knowing all that, it still boils down to the diabetes. So yeah, I originally gave you the short version and that wasn't wrong. But diabetes isn't a simple disease and her cause of death wasn't "simple" either. Diabetes robbed Toni of a lot over the years. It was a constant battle. But with every new challenge, Toni faced it like she faced everything else: head on. Odds be damned.

The other thing I need to do is actually a correction that completely changes the meaning of one of the sentences I wrote. I left out the word "not". What I originally wrote was, "She was one way with one person and another way with someone else." What I meant to write was: "She wasn't one way with one person and another way with someone else." That is the essence who Toni was. She was the SAME Toni no matter who she was with. Maybe you all saw through my typo and understood what I meant to say because you understood who Toni was. If not, please accept my apology for messing this up.

Anyway, from here on out, this memorial is for the sharing of memories. I hope you all take the opportunity to contribute a short story.

Peace to all.

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